Saturday, July 4, 2009

So today I got up at 2pm. Thats pretty late in the day i know, but i have no reason to go to bed early, so i stay up till like 5, and sleep in all day. Its pretty fun because usually when i go to bed, it starts to get light out. 

Today i havent really done that much at all, I think i got up once to go pee. Now that i think about it, ive barley had anything to eat, which means that this post wont be as long as some because i'll get to hungry to think about what i want to write. 

I made a page at What that is, is you pick your favorite comic strips (those little mini comics they have in newspapers) and everyday they come out with a new one. There is like 100 to pick from and i think i must have 50. 50 is way to many though and takes like 20 mins to read. But my problem is, that i think that they are all good so i put to many on. I think i do that with a lot of things in life. Like besides hockey and football, i cant pick just one of my favorite teams. I dont think i could because i like to watch all of baseball in general. But i must say, there's something about it, but i try too watch every single home boston red sox game. Cause when they play at fenway park, the crowd there boosts them so much and they play amazing. But i like to watch any team that i know all the players on. So any team in the AL east, the (which are the red sox, the yankees, the jays, the rays, and baltimore) other teams i like to watch are: the phillies, the white sox, the nationals, the cubs, and the braves.

So i just got back from eating a bacon and egg sandwich, it was good. Oh and one last funny thing before i press the publish post button. I saw a huge bug on the ground and went to kill it but my mom was like: "don't kill the big bugs cause they kill the little bugs" I was like WTF I DONT LIKE BUGS, so i killed it. 

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