Thursday, December 31, 2009

The year 2009 is almost done. The 2000's are almost done. It will only be about 2 hours then it will be 2010. It was fun to write in my blog during 2009, and I hope to continue in 2010. Only 10 more posts till the big 100. I guess I'll have to do something special for that.

I put my blog link as my personal message on msn, and I think a few more people read it because of that.

Anyways, I like stats and stuff and lists and crap like that. You should know that because my last 2 posts were both lists. The end of the year are good time for those because they usually do year end lists and stuff like that.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Well, yesterday I wrote about my top 10 moments from 2009, so I think maybe I should write about my top 10 moments of the decade. This decade was where I spent most of my life, so I figure I should honor it and write about 10 things that made it memorable. Of course, I will probably have more things on the list from later in the decade, because I can remember it better. So here it is, Justin Woolley top ten most memorable moments this decade.

1. Sports (2000-2009) – Number 2 almost beat this out, but when I think about what I'll remember, it will probably be sports. I played so many sports and learned so many sports I don't even think I could remember them all. Some memorable moments in sports were: Hockey (just saying that word says enough), Summer Soccer, School soccer, Basketball in grade 8, Basketball at lunch in grade 9-10, School sport trips, and winning athlete of the year in grade 8.

2.Falling in love with a girl (2008-2009) – Ya, this was almost number 1. People will probably think I'm crazy for adding this on the list, but I don't think I'll ever forget it. I've wrote so much about this, that to write any more would just be a waste of time.

3.Friends (2000-2009) – You can't really have much of this stuff on this list if you don't have friends. In my opinion the best friends are ones who you trust, are loyal, and people you can have fun with no matter what. I only have had a few of those types of friends this decade, but they are awesome. Most memorable moments are all the ones spent in the trailer, and there are many of those.

4.School (2000-2009) – School isn't fun without friends, which is why friends is higher on this list then school. I'm not really one of those kinds of people who like to learn, so that's why this isn't on here for that reason. The reason this is on here, is because I spent most of my life at school, so I figure it deserved a spot on the list. Everything from recess at elementary school to asap in middle school to all of grade 8 to falling in love in grade 9. It was pretty sweet.

5.Computer/Video Games (2000-2009) – When I wasn't in school, one of my number one ways to amuse myself is either with friends, or being on a computer staring at pixels on a screen while pressing buttons on a controller (aka video games).

Computer and video games are 2 different things, but I bunched them together so I could add more things on this list. The computer was mainly from 2005 on, cause that's when I discovered all the things you could do on the internet. One of my first discoveries was this thing called MSN. I still have chat logs saved from 2006, good times. After that I found a whole bunch of websites, and I was one of the early users on youtube. I even had a few videos up which got over 20000 combined views. Anyways, now theres a crap load of websites that I like, but thats neither here nor there.

    Time to talk about the good old fashioned video games. From the snes to the sega to the Wii, I love video games. It doesn't really matter what system or what kind, I just enjoy to play them. I may get a ps3 in 2009, which would be the last video game system I got in 2009. I have to have at year a year of video game time played in my life, they're fun.

6.Beavers/Cubs/Scouts (2000-2007) – Why this stopped after 2007, I don't know. This is mainly on here because CJ 07 was one of the most memorable events of my life, but the beavers/cubs meetings were always pretty fun. So wasn't Night Owl/Night Hawk in 2005-2007

7.Christmas (2000-2009) – Christmas is always a memorable time. You get a whole bunch of gifts in a short period of time, and see people you barely ever see. It's always a good time. From getting guitar hero to getting a gba to getting a gamecube to getting a headset, it was all fun.

8.Florida (2007-2009) – I love Walt Disney World. I know, they don't really have all the big rides like some other places do, but that's not why I like it. You just go in, and see all the detail they put into that place and you'll see what I mean. The 2008 trip was my favorite.

9.Nevada/Arizona/California/Mexico (2001?) - This was fun. About 6 of my family in 1 car for a week driving around and stopping at places. It was fun to stop and hang out with a bunch of my family at a campground in Arizona that someone in my family owned. It was a blast.

10.Quebec/Toronto (2005?) - This was a good trip. We brought the trailer, and started driving. We really didn't know what we wanted to do, but we went. I loved the hockey hall of fame and the CN tower and Canada's Wonderland. It will be a good time if I go back this summer.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

2009 is almost over. I probably would consider this one of the weirdest years I've ever lived. Of course, like any year, it had its ups and downs, if it didn't it wouldn't be a good year. So I am pleased to present, Justin Woolley's most memroble moments of 2009.

1. Falling in love with a girl - This has to be number 1. All in all, when I look back at 2009 this is what I will remember. All the other things are memroble, but I may forget them in a few years time. Everything from hanging out during classes, to watching her get better then me in music after teaching her how to play the song on piano, to sitting in bbt and getting ignored by her, it was all good. To bad she didn't feel the same

2. First kiss - 14 years olds sounds a bit to old for a first kiss, but that's how old I was. I don't think I will ever forget how I messed it up big time, but in the end it all turned out good.

3. First year of high school - Grade 9 was a fairly interesting year. The second half of the year was the good part, whereas the first half was just a shitload of work.

4.  Meeting/Getting to know people better. - It seems like in 2009, I either met a whole bunch of new friends, or got to know a side of them I didn't know. Or both in some cases. Of course, this doesn't really apply to 2 friends in paticular, but for most people I hang out with now a days, it does.

5. Hockey - Mainly when I played bantam, we were good. It was probably one of my favorite years of hockey ever, and I will never forget the game when I hurt my back, that shit killed.

6. Soccer - Of course, soccer is close behind. Everything from playing in mens league, and hurting myself twice in 2 games, or playing on jv and playing every single minute of every single game. The most memorable part was playing in a drenched field agaisnt fundy. That wasn't even really soccer, that was kick the ball out of puddles and hope it goes somewhere good.

7. Going to Portland with Jason - We only stayed for one weekend in the summer, and I'm not sure whats so memroble about it, but it was one of my favorite moments of this year for sure. Riding excalibur over and over helps with getting this one up there too.

8. Art - This isn't really because of the work in art class, this is because art class is pretty much an hour of doing what ever you want, and still making 75 and being happy. Now, art in Grade 9 was completly different then art in Grade 10. In grade 9, it was being with a girl I loved for an hour or so. In grade 10, it was forming the group with people who I probably would never of sat with normally. And of course, it's always fun to be told you're going to hell by 4 teenage girls while debating and watching your best friend just laugh. Art was good times.

9. Kdice - I played a lot of kdice this year, and I mean a lot. It was good. I'm not sure if I'll remeber it, but it was fun.

10. Boxing Day - This just happened yesterday, but boxing day at my great grandmothers is always a good time. It's fun to hang out with my family and play board games with my cousins. Good times.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Well, It's Christmas. 4 days ago I wrote in my blog last. Wednesday night I went to Jason's house and he sort of had a birthday party there. Jason, Joey, Kristen, and I were there. I kinda felt like a fifth wheel but no big deal, I can just make a shitty joke in awkward situations.

Anyways, I brought my Wii up cause Jason's was getting modded. We played some Mario Kart but then I had to leave the party for an hour or so to go to a hockey practice. So the 2 couples stayed and watched a movie while I was at my hockey practice. I hope they had a good time. After that I was on webcam chat on msn while I stayed the night at Jason's. A damn energy drink kept me up till 5 and I have only got like 10 hours sleep in the past 2 days which isn't good for me.

So yesterday, after I left Jason's, I ate a roast at my gramps with my aunt and uncle and cousins. Then I opened up my Christmas eve's gift which was some knex roller coaster thing. I started to set to up today, but it's gonna take me forever.

After that, my gramp and I went to Christmas Eve church service. The best part was when the minister came up to me and said “you're a hell of a lot bigger then last time I saw you”. He said hell haha.

Then I opened my christmas eve gift at my moms, which was a classic rock cd, watched some star wars and its a wonderful life with wade, then went to bed.

Woke up around 6,
To open all my gifts,

I can't think of anything else that rhymes with gifts. That was supposed to be a reference to my song “Me and My Underwear” but I failed.

Anyways, I opened my gifts. Some gifts of note from my moms are: A kickass headphones/mic for my computer, enough money to buy a ps3, and singstar rocks. Also I liked the domino set I got, it's cool.

After that, I went to my uncles and aunts to watch my cousins open their gifts. They got Nintendo DSi's and surround sound speakers. Pretty kickass.

Then I went back to my gramps and opened up gifts there. I didn't get much because they are paying for me to go to florida, and I think we are getting high speed soon so that counts as a gift too. Got a shitload of clothes from some brand name places though, so thats cool.

Anyways, I've figured it out. I'm getting a ps3. My gramps gonna help pay for it, and when I get high speed it will be awesome. I figure it's time for me to finally upgrade from my ps2/gamecube to a wii/ps3. I already have the wii, but I want to play some hardcore games on the ps3 online. The onlines free, and a ps3 has blu-ray and psp compatibility, so I think thats why my choice is a ps3 over the 360.

Tomorrow, I'm going to my grammys to play board games all day with my family. Everyone in the family isnt, but last year I brought a few and my 2 cousins in their 20's played all day with me. This year I have more games, and Kennys coming I think, so it should be kickass.

Holy crap, so far i've wrote 577 words, which is more then I would write for a school essay, so I best stop.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Dear Blog,
I try to write in you as much as possible and I'm sorry that I haven't wrote in the past 4 days. Please forgive me. I somethings I could talk about right now, so I beg for forgivness.

The person who made you,
Justin Woolley

Ya, so like it says in the letter I wrote to my blog, I haven't wrote for the past 4 days which is why I am writing right now.

Yesterday, we had a hockey game and lost 3-0. I hurt my hip and it still hurts like a bitch. The day before we also had a hockey game and we tied 1-1.

I finished watching harry potter and the half blood prince last night. It's the 6th harry potter. While the book is my favorite book of all time, this movie sucks. It's so slow, and it takes out to much from the book for my liking. I give it a 5.5/10 and thats still being generous.

Girls are confusing.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I havent wrote for a few days, so I guess now is as good as a time as any.

Yesterday there was a dance. I don't really get why they have a dance in the middle of the week, I mean it should be on a friday, more people would go because they don't have sports and stuff like that. And it's really weird going home after a dance, because you think it's a friday. Anyways, it was alright even though not many people were there. I guess its more of quality of quanity though.

Theres a hockey game tonight, I hope we win.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Shit, I haven't watched a movie for awhile, and should probably get on that. Maybe i'll do it tonight, cause I probably won't be asleep till at least 12. Right now it's 8:30ish so ya.

Yesterday, I had a hockey game in hampton and we left really early to go look around in st. john. At sears, there was this person who was like billy mays trying to sell some cheap knockoff of shamwow. She must of done a good job cause I saw a load of people carrying them out when they left. Anyways, I had to go to the bathroom and I think I heard someone say my name as I was walking back, but I turned and didn't see anyone. Maybe I'm hearing things.

We won the game 4-1. I don't really have much to say about the game, but we won which is good.

Oh ya, I forgot to say that we went into the indigo bookstore and I bought the book The Hobbit. It cost me 10 bucks. I will probably read it after I'm done Harry Potter, which I should be done by tomorrow. Anyways, I plan to read all the middle earth books next, and hopefully I like them. Oh ya, I went to Value Village, which is a second hand store, and bought the first 2 Lord of the Rings for 4 bucks. That's a pretty good deal.

Last night, when we got home, we watched It's a Wonderful Life. I must say it is as good if not better then when I watched it last year. I still give it a 10/10, and it's still my second favorite movie ever.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Today school was actually half decent, because I don't think we did work at all. In math, we planned what we want to do for the door decorating contest. In english, we watched Julius Caesar. In Phys. Ed. we did some sort of weird stretch things. During lunch I watched the eggnog chugging contest and played basketball. During music we had a great big jam session where everyone just played all these instruments and we wasted class that way. Everyone was amazed that I could play a sing on the piano, and they got me to play it 3 times. I mean cassidy and sam were pro, but I guess people just love me. Then in french I just read Harry Potter and the time went by fast. Oh ya, and in ai me and Jamie played chess with a chess set he won yesterday in bingo. During that same bingo game, most people won something, but I didnt get shit. It sucked.

I hate it when you're playing basketball and someone grabs your arms when you're trying to dribble. From now on, anyone who does that won't do it anymore after I elbow them in the face. That should teach them.

Anyways, I figure my life isn't as good as it was cause I don't sleep as much as I did last year. Last year I went to bed around 10:30-11 every night on school nights. Now I usually get to bed about 11-12 every night. In a week, that much be 3/4 hours lost. Thats not good, and it makes me cranky and weird, and people don't like weird and cranky people. So, many i'll go to bed earlier tonight.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Top 5 Favorite Pops
  1. Sprite - I have had this drink so much, so it has to be my top. It just tastes so good all the time, whereas coke is only good when you're in the right mood. 
  2. Coca-Cola - I have had so much of this in the past 2 years its not even funny. I think if I made a list of my top 5 favorite pops a year ago, this would be the top. In the summer I think I drink a 2L bottle of this a day. This and hot dogs are like the only things I consume in the summer. I think that now I'm drinking so much of this crap that I'm getting sick of the taste.
  3. Mountain Dew - This was a tough one between this and doctor pepper, but I think if I drank this more, this could be number 2 or 1. This is a really good drink, but I just never see it in grocery stores or restaurants or stuff like that. The flavor of this is just really good, and that why it's high. 
  4. Dr. Pepper - This is really good. I know a lot of people who don't like this, but I like the taste of it a lot. I don't drink it was much as number 1 or 2, but it's still a good pop. The peppery taste leaves a good aftertaste in my mouth. 
  5. Brisk Iced Tea - Is iced tea considered a pop? I'm not sure, but I consider it one. Brisk was always the best iced tea, but others arent to bad. If you haven't had iced tea then you're crazy. 
Well, I was bored so I made that. Today was a normal day at school. All I have to talk about is this movie I watched yesterday called Leon: The Professional.

Leon is a movie made in 1994. It's about a hitman who ends up taking in a little girl whos family gets killed. Her name is Matilda, and she falls in love with Leon the Hitman. Ok, the weird part of this movie is that Leon must be probably 40, and Matilda's 12. She says she loves him, and at one point Leon says he loves her back. This movie should be called Leon: The Pedophile instead of Leon: The Professional. They sleep in the same bed together, and if Leon didn't die then I'm sure more would happen. Besides that though, it's a good movie, and I give it a (maybe generous) 7/10. It gets a 8.6 on IMDB and is somewhere in the top 30.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

This weekend, I didn't really do that much. Yesterday I sat around most of the day and downloaded stuff and played kdice and stuff like that. But then, around 5, I went and had to babysit my 2 little cousins. They are 8 and 10. We build the ugliest gingerbread house I have ever seen. At first it wouldn't even stay together, so I just made the kids stand there and hold the walls together until the frosting dried. When, it dried, we had extra sprinkles left over that we couldn't put anywheres, so we just threw them inside the house itself. It's kinda like we were hiding them. Maybe I secretly wanted to pretend they were drugs, and teach the kids how to hide illegal possessions. But then again, I don't think I'm that bad of guy, so I wouldn't do that.

I am going to Walt Disney World again during march break. This time, I'm going with my aunt and uncle and their 2 kids, also 10 and 8. I am their "tour guide" cause they think I know a lot about Walt Disney World. I know a thing or two, but I don't really know that much compared to some people out there.

Well, for everyone who goes to school with me (which I think that would be most people who read this), you might have noticed that I have this little flossing stick thin always in my mouth. I take about 4 or 5 to school in a day, because I usually drop or break some.  Anyways, keep me occupied, and I hope they catch on as the latest fashion trend. And, I was told that people who floss daily live on average 5 years longer, so if I floss secondly, maybe i'll live 25 years longer. (That was a joke, just laugh and move along.)

My gramp didn't think it would snow yesterday, but I called it and I was right. I want it to snow tonight, so that there's no school tomorrow, but I doubt that will happen.

I just took a typing test to see how fast I can type, and got 48 words a minute. That kinda sucks. I know a girl who used to sit next to me in bbt who could type 130 words a minute.

And now I just took a reading test to see how fast I can read. I can read 450 wpm, which is apparently an excellent reader.

Anyways, I wrote quite a bit for tonight, so I'll stop there. I lost the game.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Well, I don't know how many people still read my blog, but if you do, you should tell me so I'm not writing this for nothing.

I haven't wrote in my blog for almost a week now, so I guess it's time I should. Right now, I'm in a kdice tournament. Tonight, I have a hockey practice. I'm probably going to puke during it because we've been sucking really bad during the last few games and are gonna skates our asses off for it.

The first game, we played on Sunday in St.Stephen. I forget who it was agaisnt, but I know we lost 3-0. The next game was in Quispamsis on tuesday I think. We lost 3-0.

The game yesterday is the only game I remember, so it's the only game I can talk about. We tied 2-2 aganist fundy in fundy. We really should of won it though. I played fairly well, and had a big hit near center. So far this year I am +5.

Tuesday, the hyptonist came to our school. He made them do some funny stuff, but you had to really be there to see it, it's not as funny if I try to explain it to you. But, I will say, I think it's weird how some people can be hyptonised and others can't. But, I guess thats life, cause if everyone was the same, it would be pretty boring.

Anyways, I just got 4th in a tournament of 30 people in kdice, which gave me 900 points. That's the most I've ever got at one time. Not to bad.

Anyways, I've watched a couple of movie I want to talk about.

First, I watched the new star trek. It was pretty good I must say, I thought it would suck cause most things that try to be reborn after a lot of years suck. It is basically about how spock and kirk got toghter. I'm more of a star wars fan, but I give it a solid 7/10.

Second movie I watched was City of God. It was made in porteguesse, so I had to watch it with english subtitles. It's on imdb's top 250, which is how I found out about it. It's a really good movie, and it's about 2 brothers, one is a drug dealer, the other a photographer. It reminded me of slumdog milionaire, but I like slumdog better. I give it a 9/10, and its now number 10 in my top 10.