Today was another day. I watched Big Brother and got mad because ronnie left (thats good in one way but bad in another). And then Chima won HOH. The reason its bad ronnie got out is because my mom and i have this little contest going on where she has half the people and i have the other half. Ronnie was on my half so that sucks.
Anyways, I've been playing and watching a lot of baseball lately and i'm glad I joined baseball when I did. I think that baseball is better then the other spot I used to play (soccer) in some ways but worse in others.
- I was won of the best in the soccer house league. (some may argue, but I scored probably an average of 3 goals a game, and pretty much carried my team [even though I must say, last year we had good defense]) so baseball gives me more of a challenge
- Since you have to try out for the baseball team, the people that play are better.
- There is more strategy in baseball
- Its fun to always be involed, because at some points in baseball (especially when you sit on the bench, not saying i do) it can be a little boring.
- Its fun to pass the ball
- Its fun to hear the people whine when you take the ball
- Its fun to score goals
- Its fun to take corner kicks
- Its fun to score 4 goals a game that one time to give your team a 4-3 win
Now its time for me to list my top ten favorite sports (as of right this minute and not putting much thought into it)
- Hockey - how can hockey not be number 1? you have the speed, skill, and ice. Oh ya, and physical contact. (especially when you play defense and piss people off by cross checking them in the back when they're in front of your goalie. THEY GET PISSED AND WHINE.)
- Soccer - The ultimate summer sport, all you need is a ball. I already talked about this sport a bit so ya
- Basketball - Though not really a contact sport in my opinon (unless of course you play lunchball) it still is a lot of fun to play on a team, in school, before gym class, or at my house. A good solid game
- Baseball - Talked about this already
- Volleyball - I had A LOT of fun playing volleyball on the school team, and I didnt think I'd like it as much as I did. Fun to play setter and set the plays.
- Tennis - I like this sport alot, its fun to piss people off by putting loads of backspin on the ball.
- Football - I dont play this and im not sure why. Ive played touch and tackle on the beach and stuff and think it would be fun to try this out for real sometime.
- Ping-Pong - Its a smaller version of tennis thats harder then it looks
- Curling - Had to add this in because there is alot of strategy, more then other sports. Even though its not a physical, its still fun to throw rocks
- Ultimate - Theres something about this game that is fun, Ive only played it in gym class, and suck at throwing the frissbee, but I think it would be fun to have a league
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