Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Well I think im liking the idea of lists, so today im gonna do my top 10 movies. 

Well today, I had a baseball practice at 10am again so I had to wake up early. Then I hung out with kenny for awhile (i taught him vaders theme on piano). After that, I printed a custom map for the board game "Ticket to Ride". Its a map of the UK. I beat my nana at that twice and then cataloged my pressed pennies from Florida (I have 128).

Anyways, the top 10 list. Like the other lists, this could change tomorrow and im probably missing a movie or two but hey, here it is.

1. Forrest Gump - This is a funny thoughtful movie. I've probably seen this 10 times but it never gets old. I don't expect this to change for awhile. Tom Hanks is awesome in this movie. After I saw the movie, I listened to the audiobook and its just as good. Amazing. Rated 8.6/10 (the #43 best movie of all time) on

 2. It's a Wonderful Life - This is the best Christmas movie ever. I just saw this one for the first time last Christmas (probably cause it's 3 hours long and I would get bored of that before). It is an amazing movie and the actor who plays the main character is amazing. Im going to download the radio drama someone made for this movie. Rated 8.7/10 (#32 of all time) on

3.  The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - This movie just came out recently. I don't know why I like it so much, but its really really good. Rated 8.1/10 (#200 of all time) on

4. Slumdog Millionaire - Another fairly recent movie. A kid is accused of cheating on the india verison of "Who wants to be a millionaire?" so he has to explain how he knows all the answers. Rated 8.5/10 (#72 of all time) on imdb

5. A Bug's Life - I know this is a kid's movie. I know this is animated. I used to love this movie when I was younger. It was my favorite movie and i'd watch it over and over and you can't beat the short film at the start. Pixar is amazing. 7.3/10 on (not in top 250)

6. Star Wars - A lot of people like The Empire Strikes Back better, but A New Hope is really the best in my opinion. This is the best science fiction there is. The whole series is great though. This also has the best radio dramas, because the radio dramas explain the story better then the movie itself. Rated 8.8/10 (#12 of all time) on

7. Jackass Number 2 - Some people probably hate jackass because they think it's stupid, but I like it. I like it so much that I did a speech about it in grade 7. My french teacher (who had a grudge against me) got my in trouble for saying the word like 5 times during the speech. Rated 7.2/10 (not in top 250) on imdb

8. Air Guitar Nation - I don't think very many people know about this movie. It is a documentary about the Sport of Air Guitar. It is an amazing movie and after dropped it off at movie gallery, I wanted to go and rent it again. It's really good and eveyone should watch it. Rated 7.2/10 at (not in top 250) 

You know I can't think of 10 right now. Maybe when im lying in bed I'll think of something but for now im stumped.

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