Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I downloaded this program that shows lyrics scrolling on my screen as a song play. It's a good way for me to figure out the lyrics of the song without having to look it up everytime, because it downloads them automaticly. It's called minilyrics.

We're getting highspeed the 26th, I'm getting a ps3 asap and I'm getting the old computer. It's all looking pretty good right now. I think I'm gonna download this program where I can control both my laptop and the old computer I'm getting with one mouse and keyboard. I'm pretty excited about all this. I've decided to make the old computer run faster, that i'll install ubuntu and just dual-boot it with windows incase I need windows for anything.

Anyways, I've watched two movies recently which I could talk about.

The first movie was A Christmas Story. I think i've seen bits and pieces of this movie loads of times on tv, but I finally watched the whole thing in two music classes. It's a pretty good christmas movie, but defenitly isn't better then It's a Wonderful Life. I give it a 7.5/10

Second movie was Schindler's List. This movie was one on the Top 250 list. It's about this man named Oskar Schindler who saved jews by letting them work in his factory instead of being gased. It's a good feel good movie, but I think it is a bit overrated. I give it a 7.5/10 (imdb.com rated it a 8.9/10 and it was their 6th best movie as of Sept.28.2009.)

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