Friday, January 1, 2010

Time to write in my blog. Today, I really didn't do much. But, I guess I don't do that much any day unless I have school or some form of a sport. Anyways, my internet is down so I don't know when this blog post as going to go up. Well I mean obviously it's going to go up when the internet comes back up, it's just that I don't know when that's going to be.

Well, I got one of these necklaces for Christmas and it's called a dream capsule or something like that. It's sorta shaped like a mini bullet and it twists open. It comes with a little pen/marker thing and these little pieces of paper. So, what you're supposed to do is write your dreams or goals on the paper and then put the paper in the capsule and then you always wear your dreams with you. Well I don't know if what I wrote will happen, but it has been a goal of mine for awhile. Anyways, metal usually gives rashes on my skin, but this seems to not be giving me a rash and I've been wearing it for a day now.

I watched a movie today that was on my top 250 list finally. It was Pulp Fiction. Now, Pulp Fiction is a movie that has 3 completely different stories that fit together in the end in a way. It's a good movie, and I give it a 9/10 and as of now it's my 8th favorite movie ever. (On it was given a 8.9/10 and is their 5th best movie of all time.)

I guess that's all I have to say for today, I have hockey practice tomorrow so that will give me something to do.

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