Friday, November 27, 2009

I just finished watching The Godfather: Part II and Up so I guess thats one of the things I could talk about. Another thing is about our hockey game last night.

Right now though, I'm just playing kdice. Today at school, I had classes. First was math, I'm not sure what we did cause I was reading Harry Potter. In english, we read Julius Caeser, which meant I got to try out my fake british accent. In french we finished the thriller dance. I now know that complete dance by Micheal Jackson. At lunch, I played basketball and won. In bbt, I finished all my modules, and on monday we get to go to music. I like music, so hopefully thats better then music and art. In ai, I read some more harry potter. And in french we watched Up.

Up is a movie that was just made this year. It was made by Disney/Pixar so think of a movie like Wall-E or Toy Story. It was good for an animated kids movie. It's about this man who loves exploring and always promised his wife to go to this place in south america. Well, the wife died but he promised to go so he goes and then a big story happens. It's alright. And, it's in the top 250, so it was a movie on my list. I give it a 8/10.

Second movie is The Godfather: Part II. I think that it's better then the first one. It's a continuation of the first Godfather right much, and so much goes on in these movies that I don't want to say much. I give it a 9/10. 

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