Friday, November 20, 2009

I wrote this a few days ago, but my internet is messed in the head so I haven't been on for a while. I might make a new post later, but for now here's what I wrote a few days ago :

Today, I started off the day by going to school like any other regular day. I guess all I really want to talk about in this blog post is two movies I've watched in the last couple days on my quest to watch all the's top 250.

First off, I saw the movie Taxi Driver. It's a messed up movie about this Taxi Driver in New York. It kind of reminded me of One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest because it was so messed. It came out in 1976. I give it a 7/10. ( gives it a 8.5/10)

Tonight, I watched a movie called Gran Torino. It's a new movie make in 2008 and was made by Clint Eastwood. It also stars him so go figure. In it, he plays an old man who moves into a neighborhood with many different races and stuff like that. I don't really want to say much more without giving it away, but it's a good movie. I like Clint Eastwood as an actor too and he did good in this movie. I also like the fact that there were some really funny moments in this movie. I give it a 9/10. It now sits at 9 in my top 10. ( gives it a 8.3/10.)

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