Monday, November 9, 2009

Well, I figure I mine as well write a thing or two considering I have quite a bit to talk about. First off, I want to say that I'm driving home from a hockey game I was supposed to have. We didn't have it because the other team said that they didn't have enough people to play because they were sick, and that they were just having a practice. But apparently they've known this since last week, and didn't even bother to call anyone. What a bunch of jackasses.

Secondly, my bus driver is a douche. I like to flash people I know when they walk by (only my top of course) the bus, but now she won't let me do that. And shes such a shitty driver, that today, she drove over a bump and the bus broke. So she had to call another bus to pick us up and we had to wait their like 20 minutes. I thought I'd have to leave early for the game I was supposed to have, so I called my gramp to come pick me us on the bus. At first she wasn't even going to let me get off because she figured my gramp was some sort of creeper, but I convinced her.

Anyways, my goal to watch the top 250 movies according to imdb is going good, and I have (pauses to count) 3 movies to talk about.

The first movie I watched is called Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It is a comedy made in the 70's where some knights are looking for a holy grail. I didn't find it funny at all, and don't see how it's in the top 250. I give it a 5/10

The second movie was District 9. It was just made this year, and it wasn't what I was expecting. The first half of the movie is ok, but after that I found it really slow at points. It's pretty much a zombie movie that's on a small scale. There wasn't even any epic alien battles. I give it 5/10.

Finally, I have a good movie to talk about. It is called The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly and was made in 1966. It stars the famous actor Clint Eastwood, and he is good in this movie. Ir is a western movie, and has a lot of story going on. I give it 9/10, and it's in my top 10 movies ever.

Well, thats all I have to say for now, but maybe I'll write more when I get home.

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