Monday, December 28, 2009

Well, yesterday I wrote about my top 10 moments from 2009, so I think maybe I should write about my top 10 moments of the decade. This decade was where I spent most of my life, so I figure I should honor it and write about 10 things that made it memorable. Of course, I will probably have more things on the list from later in the decade, because I can remember it better. So here it is, Justin Woolley top ten most memorable moments this decade.

1. Sports (2000-2009) – Number 2 almost beat this out, but when I think about what I'll remember, it will probably be sports. I played so many sports and learned so many sports I don't even think I could remember them all. Some memorable moments in sports were: Hockey (just saying that word says enough), Summer Soccer, School soccer, Basketball in grade 8, Basketball at lunch in grade 9-10, School sport trips, and winning athlete of the year in grade 8.

2.Falling in love with a girl (2008-2009) – Ya, this was almost number 1. People will probably think I'm crazy for adding this on the list, but I don't think I'll ever forget it. I've wrote so much about this, that to write any more would just be a waste of time.

3.Friends (2000-2009) – You can't really have much of this stuff on this list if you don't have friends. In my opinion the best friends are ones who you trust, are loyal, and people you can have fun with no matter what. I only have had a few of those types of friends this decade, but they are awesome. Most memorable moments are all the ones spent in the trailer, and there are many of those.

4.School (2000-2009) – School isn't fun without friends, which is why friends is higher on this list then school. I'm not really one of those kinds of people who like to learn, so that's why this isn't on here for that reason. The reason this is on here, is because I spent most of my life at school, so I figure it deserved a spot on the list. Everything from recess at elementary school to asap in middle school to all of grade 8 to falling in love in grade 9. It was pretty sweet.

5.Computer/Video Games (2000-2009) – When I wasn't in school, one of my number one ways to amuse myself is either with friends, or being on a computer staring at pixels on a screen while pressing buttons on a controller (aka video games).

Computer and video games are 2 different things, but I bunched them together so I could add more things on this list. The computer was mainly from 2005 on, cause that's when I discovered all the things you could do on the internet. One of my first discoveries was this thing called MSN. I still have chat logs saved from 2006, good times. After that I found a whole bunch of websites, and I was one of the early users on youtube. I even had a few videos up which got over 20000 combined views. Anyways, now theres a crap load of websites that I like, but thats neither here nor there.

    Time to talk about the good old fashioned video games. From the snes to the sega to the Wii, I love video games. It doesn't really matter what system or what kind, I just enjoy to play them. I may get a ps3 in 2009, which would be the last video game system I got in 2009. I have to have at year a year of video game time played in my life, they're fun.

6.Beavers/Cubs/Scouts (2000-2007) – Why this stopped after 2007, I don't know. This is mainly on here because CJ 07 was one of the most memorable events of my life, but the beavers/cubs meetings were always pretty fun. So wasn't Night Owl/Night Hawk in 2005-2007

7.Christmas (2000-2009) – Christmas is always a memorable time. You get a whole bunch of gifts in a short period of time, and see people you barely ever see. It's always a good time. From getting guitar hero to getting a gba to getting a gamecube to getting a headset, it was all fun.

8.Florida (2007-2009) – I love Walt Disney World. I know, they don't really have all the big rides like some other places do, but that's not why I like it. You just go in, and see all the detail they put into that place and you'll see what I mean. The 2008 trip was my favorite.

9.Nevada/Arizona/California/Mexico (2001?) - This was fun. About 6 of my family in 1 car for a week driving around and stopping at places. It was fun to stop and hang out with a bunch of my family at a campground in Arizona that someone in my family owned. It was a blast.

10.Quebec/Toronto (2005?) - This was a good trip. We brought the trailer, and started driving. We really didn't know what we wanted to do, but we went. I loved the hockey hall of fame and the CN tower and Canada's Wonderland. It will be a good time if I go back this summer.

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