Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Top 5 Favorite Pops
  1. Sprite - I have had this drink so much, so it has to be my top. It just tastes so good all the time, whereas coke is only good when you're in the right mood. 
  2. Coca-Cola - I have had so much of this in the past 2 years its not even funny. I think if I made a list of my top 5 favorite pops a year ago, this would be the top. In the summer I think I drink a 2L bottle of this a day. This and hot dogs are like the only things I consume in the summer. I think that now I'm drinking so much of this crap that I'm getting sick of the taste.
  3. Mountain Dew - This was a tough one between this and doctor pepper, but I think if I drank this more, this could be number 2 or 1. This is a really good drink, but I just never see it in grocery stores or restaurants or stuff like that. The flavor of this is just really good, and that why it's high. 
  4. Dr. Pepper - This is really good. I know a lot of people who don't like this, but I like the taste of it a lot. I don't drink it was much as number 1 or 2, but it's still a good pop. The peppery taste leaves a good aftertaste in my mouth. 
  5. Brisk Iced Tea - Is iced tea considered a pop? I'm not sure, but I consider it one. Brisk was always the best iced tea, but others arent to bad. If you haven't had iced tea then you're crazy. 
Well, I was bored so I made that. Today was a normal day at school. All I have to talk about is this movie I watched yesterday called Leon: The Professional.

Leon is a movie made in 1994. It's about a hitman who ends up taking in a little girl whos family gets killed. Her name is Matilda, and she falls in love with Leon the Hitman. Ok, the weird part of this movie is that Leon must be probably 40, and Matilda's 12. She says she loves him, and at one point Leon says he loves her back. This movie should be called Leon: The Pedophile instead of Leon: The Professional. They sleep in the same bed together, and if Leon didn't die then I'm sure more would happen. Besides that though, it's a good movie, and I give it a (maybe generous) 7/10. It gets a 8.6 on IMDB and is somewhere in the top 30.

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