Sunday, December 27, 2009

2009 is almost over. I probably would consider this one of the weirdest years I've ever lived. Of course, like any year, it had its ups and downs, if it didn't it wouldn't be a good year. So I am pleased to present, Justin Woolley's most memroble moments of 2009.

1. Falling in love with a girl - This has to be number 1. All in all, when I look back at 2009 this is what I will remember. All the other things are memroble, but I may forget them in a few years time. Everything from hanging out during classes, to watching her get better then me in music after teaching her how to play the song on piano, to sitting in bbt and getting ignored by her, it was all good. To bad she didn't feel the same

2. First kiss - 14 years olds sounds a bit to old for a first kiss, but that's how old I was. I don't think I will ever forget how I messed it up big time, but in the end it all turned out good.

3. First year of high school - Grade 9 was a fairly interesting year. The second half of the year was the good part, whereas the first half was just a shitload of work.

4.  Meeting/Getting to know people better. - It seems like in 2009, I either met a whole bunch of new friends, or got to know a side of them I didn't know. Or both in some cases. Of course, this doesn't really apply to 2 friends in paticular, but for most people I hang out with now a days, it does.

5. Hockey - Mainly when I played bantam, we were good. It was probably one of my favorite years of hockey ever, and I will never forget the game when I hurt my back, that shit killed.

6. Soccer - Of course, soccer is close behind. Everything from playing in mens league, and hurting myself twice in 2 games, or playing on jv and playing every single minute of every single game. The most memorable part was playing in a drenched field agaisnt fundy. That wasn't even really soccer, that was kick the ball out of puddles and hope it goes somewhere good.

7. Going to Portland with Jason - We only stayed for one weekend in the summer, and I'm not sure whats so memroble about it, but it was one of my favorite moments of this year for sure. Riding excalibur over and over helps with getting this one up there too.

8. Art - This isn't really because of the work in art class, this is because art class is pretty much an hour of doing what ever you want, and still making 75 and being happy. Now, art in Grade 9 was completly different then art in Grade 10. In grade 9, it was being with a girl I loved for an hour or so. In grade 10, it was forming the group with people who I probably would never of sat with normally. And of course, it's always fun to be told you're going to hell by 4 teenage girls while debating and watching your best friend just laugh. Art was good times.

9. Kdice - I played a lot of kdice this year, and I mean a lot. It was good. I'm not sure if I'll remeber it, but it was fun.

10. Boxing Day - This just happened yesterday, but boxing day at my great grandmothers is always a good time. It's fun to hang out with my family and play board games with my cousins. Good times.

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